1. Copy, Paste and Clone Products
fmProducts, CopyProperties - Products Management Basic Operations
On the main X-Cart products page you can see Copy, Paste and Clone icons. These actions can be performed with more than one X-Cart product.
First of all, select one or multiple products and press “Copy” button in toolbar menu.
‘Copy Data’ window will appear.
Select necessary data you want to copy through clipboard and click ‘Ok’ button.
Go to the category you need.
Press “Paste” button to create duplicates.
You can select one of two actions during ‘copy/paste’ procedure:
- “Assign product(s) to a category”
- “Copy product(s) to a category”
Let's look at the differences between them.
For example, we need to copy two products from category "VirtueMart Products"with such ID numbers as: SKU00110 and SKU00111 to category "Other".
Selecting first condition - ‘Assign product(s) to a category’ - we will get products with the same ID numbers: SKU00110 and SKU00111:
Now, we choose two other products from category "CubeCart Management"with such ID numbers as: SKU00100 and SKU00082:
Check ‘Copy product(s) to a category’ field. We have got products with new complex ID numbers: SKU00100/133 and SKU00082/134.
First part of this number - it’s ID product number, that has been copied, second part - new ID product number.
“Clone” X-Cart products option is a combination of 'copy' and 'paste' buttons. It will copy selected product(s) and place it (them) in the same category with the
new complex ID number(s) at the end of product’s name.
To ‘Clone’ product(s) follow few steps below:
1) Select one or multiple products in the X-Cart product grid;
2) Use ‘Clone’ button to duplicate selected X-Cart products.
This way is easier and faster than 'copy/paste'.