2. "Edit Order" Dialog Pages

fmOrderEdit - Edit Order Form

Most frequently used option at the orders section is Edit Order option - . You can call Edit Order dialog page by double-clicking on ones' record or pressing a corresponding icon on the toolbar.

Edit Order dialog window consists of the following pages:


This page displays required and most important information about the order and the customer: Login, Order ID, Status, Date, Customer name, Customer notes, Tracking number, Coupon, Payment method, Payment Structure, Shipping method, Shipping cost, Tax number and amount, Discount, Order Subtotal and Total.


Includes Customer's info, Billing Address and Shipping Address. Please note that any customer data changes that are made on this page will be saved for this order only, without changing customer's profile.

Additional Fields

Additional fields Tab looks like a two-column table, listing parameters and their values. The content of this page depends on the order/payment contributions, which you have installed at your store. For example if you're using eMagicOne Google Checkout "google_order_id" field will be available (gets filled out for Google Checkout orders).


Other tab looks like a two-column table, listing parameters and their values, like a unique order ID.